Seafood Processing System

This was a proof-of-concept prototype system that would automatically clean certain seafood products before packaging. The patent for the system is still processing, so the details about the system are withheld.

Project Highlights

  1. Development of a vision system that would identify the portions of the meat that need to be removed

  2. Development of a custom material handling system that can quickly hold and stabilize the while the undesirable parts are removed

  3. Development of a vision calibration system and a conveyor belt encoder system so that precise motion and gripping could be achieved (less than 1/100th of an inch of inaccuracy)

  4. Development of a control system for an array of pneumatic relays for material handling

  5. Integrated three stepper motors into a custom robotics system

  6. Developed a custom, lightweight linear actuator system using 3D printed parts

  7. Designed and assembled an electrical box with an emergency stop switch

  8. Integrating all of these processes together so that the units will be processed immediately once they are placed on the conveyor

  9. Completed the entire project on a small budget with inexpensive components


Water Filtration Test System


Teknic Clearcore PC Interface Software